It's about time 

November 23, 2016 
Programming note: No Five Things tomorrow, since it's Thanksgiving. We hope you have a safe and relaxing holiday. We're back on Friday, but for now, here's what you need to know to Get Up to Speed and Out the Door.

By AJ Willingham

1. School bus crash 

There are a lot of unanswered questions about Monday's bus crash that killed five children in Chattanooga, Tennessee. Here's a list of what we do and do not know. In an emotional interview, the mother of one of the victims told HLN  that she had only recently been reunited with her son before he was killed in the crash. "There was nothing they could do for him," she said, sobbing. 

2. Trump administration

After canceling and then re-committing, Donald Trump had a hotly anticipated meeting with the New York Times yesterday. Here are some big takeaways from that, but in general it looks like he's ready to be frenemies with the media giant. Trump also delivered a long-awaited rejection of the alt-right/white nationalist groups that have been celebrating his ascent. 

3. Dakota Access Pipeline 

Protests against the oil pipeline project are getting violent. On Monday morning, a woman nearly lost her arm in an explosion, though it's unclear how. Other protesters say police fired concussion grenades into the crowd, but police say they didn't use anything explosive and instead found improvised weapons used by protesters at the scene. 

4. Colombia 

The Colombian government will sign a long-awaited peace deal with the FARC rebel group on Thursday. This will bring an end to nearly five decades of violence and attacks from the group. The Colombian people had narrowly voted against a prior deal, because many citizens thought it was too forgiving of FARC's crimes. The new deal will have to go to Congress for approval, but it's likely to pass. 

5. Thanksgiving

If you're preparing to see family and friends this week, here are some helpful resources: 

Breakfast Browse

People are talking about these. Read up. Join in.
The Medal of Freedom ceremony was full of laughs and tears
Ellen DeGeneres, Michael Jordan and Tom Hanks got one. Full list here
Where's Hillary Clinton?
Chilling at a Rhode Island bookstore, apparently. 
Twitter accidentally suspends their own CEO's account 
Oops, fail whale!
Meanwhile, Facebook has been reportedly working on a censorship tool 
Marvel at the year's best architecture photos 
This one, of a reservoir in England, took top honors

And finally ...

Wolf Blitzer Is Your Go-To Mobile Moderator
Wolf Blitzer moderates your Thanksgiving meal 
"Let's get back to the original question...could someone pass the salt?" Maybe we're biased, but we had a laugh. (Click here to view)
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