Happy birthday to us 🎈🎁🎂

Thursday, November 17, 2016 
We wanted to take a quick moment to mark a milestone: We're a year old this morning. We look different, we sound different. And there's still so much growing up to do. We love how you write to us out of the blue to tell us you love us -- or to point us to a funny video. We love how you also don't hesitate to keep us honest by pointing out when we've made a mistake -- or taken a joke too far.
Thank you for making us your first-read in the morning. Keep reading and keep telling your friends.

By Doug Criss.

1. Politics

We could start off by talking about Donald Trump's pledge to ban lobbyists, or Hillary Clinton's first speech since losing the election, but instead, let's talk about you. We asked you how you feel about the election and your new president. You all left us more than 1,500 voice mails! Here's what you said

2. Philando Castile

Jeronimo Yanez, the Minnesota cop who shot and killed Philando Castile, has been charged with manslaughter. Castile's death during a traffic stop exploded online after his fiance livestreamed what happened. It was one of several police shootings of black men that sparked protests nationwide.

3. Sweden

Sweden has a murder mystery that it wants solved, pronto. It's the death of then-Prime Minister Olof Palme, who was gunned down 30 years ago during a late-night stroll. So Sweden's appointed a new prosecutor. He knows what he's doing -- he tried the killer of a Swedish foreign minister in 2003.

4. ICC

Russia says it's out of the International Criminal Court, which investigates hideous stuff like crimes against humanity. It called the court an ineffective and inefficient waste of resources. But it's probably ticked off that the ICC started a war crimes investigation into its war with Georgia that killed hundreds. 

5. New York-New Jersey bombing

Ahmad Khan Rahimi, who's accused of setting off bombs in New York and New Jersey in September, has been indicted on several serious charges, including the use of a weapon of mass destruction. His bail is serious too -- $5.2 million

Breakfast Browse

People are talking about these. Read up. Join in.
Baby steps
Forget running or lifting weights. The new way to stay in shape is getting on your hands and knees and crawling like a baby. 
It's alright, Ma
Sorry Nobel Prize people, Bob Dylan's got stuff to do, so he won't show up next month to pick up his prize for literature in person.
Pop life
What if we filled our new Cabinet with pop culture figures? Here's what it'd look like. Scrooge McDuck for treasury secretary anyone?
Football follies
Looks like Tommy Perfect's getting the last laugh in Deflategate. Tom Brady mocks it all in a new Foot Locker commercial.
Operators are standing by
Ladies, sick of the unsolicited "advice" from your male colleagues? Live in Sweden? Have we got the hotline for you.

And finally ...

Tastes like the holidays
This guy put seven Starbucks pumpkin spice lattes into a giant coffee cup and drank it all - so we don't have to. (Click to view)
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