The Point: This is the week Washington gave up completely

January 11, 2019  | by Chris Cillizza and Lauren Dezenski

This is the week Washington gave up completely

As you read this, senators and House members are either at home or on their way there. The government shutdown is about to enter its 22nd day at midnight, breaking the record for the longest the federal bureaucracy has ever been shuttered.

If you're wondering something along the lines of "What the hell is happening here," well, get in line.

This is the week that will go down in history as the one where our politicians just stopped trying to find compromise. Or solutions. Or to do anything at all.

It was a week defined by President Donald Trump's petulant "bye-bye" to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer as he left a Wednesday meeting, after Pelosi informed him she would not give him the $5 billion he wants to build a wall along the southern border.

The week was set to end with the near certainty that Trump would declare a state of emergency in order to take funds allocated for other purposes and use them to build the wall. That done, the Congress would vote to reopen the government.

Except, twist! Friday afternoon, Trump told reporters this: "What we're not looking to do right now is national emergency. I'm not going to do it so fast."

Which leaves us precisely nowhere. Congress won't be back in session until next week. And even when they come back, there's absolutely no legislative proposal waiting to be debated, no building block on which a compromise could be constructed.

The Point: This is square one. And all of the elements are in place for this shutdown to last a lot longer.

-- Chris

Here's the week that was in 19 headlines.

Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday:


"I don't care what they name it. They can name it 'Peaches.'"

-- President Donald Trump says he just wants Democrats to build a border wall but they can call it whatever they want. Even 'Peaches'!


Republican Rep. Guy Reschenthaler is the first of his kind -- he represents Pennsylvania's newly created 14th district.

Reschenthaler served in the Navy as a JAG lawyer before entering politics six years ago. Now in Washington, Reschenthaler tells Lauren he's focused on economic growth, a Trump-backed bipartisan funding bill to reopen the government and playing a Josh Ritter tune whenever possible. 

Lauren Dezenski: In five words, describe how you felt being sworn in. 
Guy Reschenthaler: Incredibly humbled, honored and grateful.
LD: What's your top priority in your first term?
The top legislative priority for me in the first term is definitely job creation and economic growth. I don't think that there's one silver bullet that we have in terms of public policy, but I think that a growing economy is the closest thing.
LD: What's your expectation on what happens with the current partial government shutdown?
This shutdown never should have happened. It is unfortunate that Speaker Pelosi, Minority Leader Schumer, and congressional Democrats are more concerned with keeping an open border than an open government. Our government's most important job is to ensure the safety and security of the American people. It is past time for congressional Democrats to work on a bipartisan funding bill with President Trump that will open the government, get federal employees back to work and provide much-needed investment to address the security and humanitarian crisis at the southern border.
LD: Do you have a favorite pump-up song? What is it?
I'm a huge Josh Ritter fan.
LD: Tell me about your favorite food from your district.
Any Primanti's sandwich, with an egg.

The week may be over, but the House member Q&A's aren't! We've got more next week. Is there someone we should talk to from your district? Email with your suggestions -- and thanks to all of you who have already reached out!


Liberals who helped elected Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-New York) are now taking aim at Rep. Henry Cuellar (D-Texas)

Speaking of AOC, some elected Democrats aren't too keen on her approach

There were A LOT of Ukrainians at Donald Trump's inauguration

Politico's Darren Samuelsohn has the only impeachment guide you will ever need

Meet the man who pulled off the greatest art heist in a generation 

What you need to know from CES 2019


Here's a new remix of Bob Dylan's classic "Masters of War."


What are all of the ways people are affected by what's about to be the longest government shutdown ever?

CNN's Z. Byron WolfVeronica Stracqualursi and Devan Cole round up at least 70 different ways, such as ...


Julian Castro: The former San Antonio mayor is making an announcement on his presidential intentions tomorrow. We (VERY likely) have another presidential candidate on our hands

Kirsten Gillibrand: Is staffing up and Iowa-bound. The senator from New York has hired several aides for her expected-to-be-announced presidential campaign and is planning to go to Iowa next weekend

Sherrod Brown: Is also Iowa-bound. The senator from Ohio is headed to Iowa in the next few weeks while his top aide ramps up a search for staff in early voting states. 

Beto O'Rouke: Is appearing with Oprah! O'Rourke (as well as other luminaries) is sitting down for an interview in Times Square with Winfrey on February 5. There's no word on whether teeth cleanings will be involved.

Steve Bullock: The Montana governor is thinking about running -- and would do so on a platform that would get big money out of politics.


Newly elected Rep. Joe Cunningham pulled a total freshman move, apparently, on the House floor today.


From Brenna: "As my boxing coach always says: Protect the moneymaker. Good advice for those of us who have been on the cover of Time (Nancy Pelosi) and also for those of us who need a little help from the Paris filter on Instagram (me). Share The Point with your most photogenic friends!"
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