Spicer apologizes ... Sessions issues a dire border warning ... Rep. Joe Wilson faces 'You lie!' shouts

CNN Politics:  Nightcap
April 11, 2017   |   by Eric Bradner and Daniella Diaz

"I apologize."


-- White House press secretary Sean Spicer on his Holocaust remarks during his press briefing.

White House press secretary Sean Spicer attempted in an interview with CNN's Wolf Blitzer this evening to clean up the controversy he'd triggered when he suggested from the briefing room podium that Adolf Hitler didn't use chemical weapons during World War II.

"I was obviously trying to make a point about the heinous attacks (Syrian leader Bashar al-) Assad has made against his own people last week using chemical weapons and gas, and, frankly, I mistakenly used an inappropriate and insensitive reference to the Holocaust, which, frankly, there is no comparison. And for that I apologize. It was a mistake to do that," Spicer said.

Earlier today during his press briefing, Spicer, in an effort to shame Russia's alliance with Assad and his use of chemical weapons, said Hitler "didn't even sink to using chemical weapons" during World War II.

House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi called for his immediate firing in a statement, saying he "must be fired, and the President must immediately disavow his spokesman's statements. Either he is speaking for the President, or the President should have known better than to hire him."

When asked to clarify later in the briefing, Spicer said: "I think when you come to sarin gas, he was not using the gas on his own people the same way that Assad is doing. ... He brought them into the Holocaust centers, I understand that." And after the briefing, Spicer said in a statement, "In no way was I trying to lessen the horrendous nature of the Holocaust."

The comment comes as Jewish people all over the world are celebrating Passover. The White House hosted a seder on Monday night.


Washington Post reporter Ashley Parker's facial expressions during Sean Spicer's comparison of Bashar al-Assad to Adolf Hitler said it all. Parker is in the back on the left in this clip.


Sessions issues a stark warning at the border

Attorney General Jeff Sessions delivered a harsh denunciation of undocumented immigrants during a speech at the border today. 

Here's The Wall Street Journal's Aruna Viswanatha's story: "In remarks Tuesday to border patrol agents at the U.S.-Mexico border in Nogales, Arizona, Mr. Sessions spoke in stark terms about the threat he said illegal immigration posed.

"'We mean international criminal organizations that turn cities and suburbs into war zones, that rape and kill innocent civilians,' Mr. Sessions said in his delivered remarks, referring to gangs run by illegal immigrants. 'It is here, on this sliver of land, on this border, where we first take our stand.'

"The passage had drawn attention because the prepared remarks released by the Justice Department had included the phrase 'take our stand against this filth.' But Mr. Sessions deviated from his prepared remarks and didn't say 'filth' as he delivered his speech.

"'This is a new era,' Mr. Sessions said during his speech. 'This is the Trump era.'"


Rep. Joe Wilson -- the South Carolina Republican who infamously shouted "You lie!" at President Barack Obama -- faced chants of "You lie!" at his own town hall. 


5 things you might have missed today

A Kansas special election is tonight. In the race to replace new CIA director Mike Pompeo in the 4th District House seat, Republican Ron Estes was long expected to win -- but GOP aides are sweating whether Democrat Jim Thompson has closed the gap in a district that just re-elected Pompeo by a 2-to-1 margin. If Thompson pulls a shocker, it would rock the political world.

Kay Ivey takes Alabama governor's seat after Bentley scandal: When Kay Ivey was sworn in as Alabama's new governor, she made history becoming the first Republican woman to hold the office. More from CNN's Eugene Scott.

Trump admin suspends controversial sanctuary city reports: The Trump administration has suspended its weekly reports aimed at putting political pressure on sanctuary cities. President Donald Trump's executive order on immigration called for the so-called "declined detainer" report, and the Department of Homeland Security issued the first one three weeks ago. More from CNN's Tal Kopan.

Trump on pace to surpass 8 years of Obama's travel spending in 1 year: President Donald Trump's travel to his private club in Florida has cost over an estimated $20 million in his first 80 days as President, putting him on pace in his first year in office to surpass former President Barack Obama's spending on travel for his entire eight years. More from CNN's Dan Merica.

Collins mulls run for Maine governor: Maine Sen. Susan Collins left the door open to a gubernatorial bid next year, saying she's weighing her options but hasn't made a final decision. More from CNN's Ashley Killough.


Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer says he urged Office of Management and Budget Director Mick Mulvaney to let bipartisan negotiators on the Hill find a compromise on how to keep the government running. ... The White House Correspondents' Association taps "Daily Show" comedian Hasan Minhaj to perform at its ballyhooed annual dinner. ...

Thanks for reading the CNN Politics Nightcap. Your bartenders are Eric Bradner and Daniella Diaz. The tip jar: nightcap@cnn.com.
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Your bartenders for CNN Politics' Nightcap are Eric Bradner (@ericbradner) and Daniella Diaz (@DaniellaMicaela)— Tips, thoughts and beer recommendations are always welcome at nightcap@cnn.com.

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