West Bank settlement annexation could start Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
said he would move on first steps today to annex West Bank settlements after President Trump announced what he calls a "realistic two-state solution." Palestinians, however,
swiftly rejected the plan, which caters to nearly every major Israeli demand.
Iowa votes! The first major ballots of the
2020 presidential race get cast
when Iowans gather for caucuses. New rules are changing how the process – dubbed "a conversation and a vote" – happens and what's reported. Confused? Don't worry. By
Tuesday morning, all eyes shift to New Hampshire, where
the first primary unfolds a week later.
Trump delivers the State of the Union The President will update Congress on the business of the nation
Tuesday. His aides had hoped he'd walk into the House chamber
as an acquitted commander in chief, but the
impeachment timeline didn't work out that way. Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer and Rep. Veronica Escobar of Texas
are poised to deliver Democrats' response.
The impeachment vote is tallied Senate leaders struck a deal to
hold the final vote to acquit Trump on the two articles of impeachment on
Wednesday at 4 p.m. ET. It will follow any speeches senators opt to give explaining how they'll vote. The Senate has blocked an effort to call witnesses or hear evidence, all but assuring an acquittal.
Fashion takes to the catwalk in New York Designers
descend on the Big Apple starting
Thursday to
showcase their wares. Then,
all eyes turn to London and Milan, Italy, for the latest couture across the pond.
The Solar Orbiter launches A joint mission of NASA and the European Space Agency
is set to take off Friday from Cape Canaveral in Florida. The orbiter aims to
address central questions about our star, the sun, by observing its atmosphere up-close with high spatial resolution telescopes.
Trailers arrive in a hub of homelessness Thirty travel trailers and medical services tents are due to arrive by
Friday in Los Angeles County to help officials there contend with
a spike in homelessness. It's in addition to a $1.4 billion statewide effort to combat
the problem, including with
housing and
rental assistance.
Irish voters go to the polls Balloting
happens Saturday in parliamentary elections
called after a Brexit deal that avoided a hard border between the republic and UK-governed Northern Ireland. Inking a trade pact with
the newly EU-free Great Britain is top of mind, along with health care and housing.
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