Have you ever just felt hopeless after a hard news day? Then is as good a time as ever to remind yourself that you can make a difference, and you have the power to be a force of change in the world around you. How?
Find new ways to become politically active Yes, voting is important. But so is paying attention to your local elections, supporting national parks and other federal services,
volunteering to be a part of our justice system, and educating yourself about issues and empowering others to use their voice.
Here are 25 ways to increase your political power.
Don't shy away from difficult conversations Yes, there are few things less appetizing than politics at the dinner table, but sometimes talking through your views -- and speaking up for what you believe in -- can lead to some rewarding breakthroughs. Here are some tips:
How to politely discuss political differences: Find common ground on the issue at hand. Disagree about gun control? Try to bring up a mutually supported part of it, like increased mental health background checks or school safety measures.
How to call out racism: This one's tough, and there's no right way. Some experts suggest focusing on a specific offense that could be defined as racist, rather than applying the term broadly, or using terms like racial bias or racial anxiety, which make people less likely to become defensive. However, it is what it is, and if changing such language defeats the purpose for you, then don't.
Talk to your kids Listen, only you know what's best for your children and what they should be discussing. But every parent needs help sometime. Bookmark these for the next time difficult or complex topics get brought up in the news:
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