The students spoke up. Will America listen?

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Thursday 2.22.18

It's been more than a week since the horrifying school shooting at a South Florida high school. The victims and their families still need your help. Here's how you can. And here's what else you need to know to Get Up to Speed and Out the Door.

By Doug Criss
Gun debate

They made their voices heard. From city streets, to a CNN town hall, to the White House. Survivors of last week's Florida high school shooting and their supporters demanded something -- anything -- be done on guns to help stop the unimaginable kind of violence that visited Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland.

Students brought a simple but powerful message to a CNN town hall on guns Wednesday night that was aimed at Washington and the National Rifle Association: Guns are the problem, so do something about it. They wondered aloud why it seemed like they had to do all the work to make sure they were safe at school: "Why do we have to march on Washington, just to save innocent lives?" one student asked Sen. Marco Rubio. And a grieving father of one of the victims blasted the senator, saying his response to the shooting was "pathetically weak." Rubio said he supported raising the age requirement for rifles and is open to reconsidering the size of gun magazines.

President Donald Trump got an earful from survivors, too, during his "listening" event at the White House. It was raw and emotional as students and parents affected by school shootings told Trump their stories and discussed solutions. Trump suggested arming teachers and school staff as a way to keep schools safe, which was met with support from some of the attendees, but was criticized by other groups, such as teachers' unions.

And students across the country took part in the debate, too, marching in solidarity with the Florida students after walking out of school in protest in Washington, Phoenix, MinneapolisColorado and Illinois. 
They hope you remember what they'll never forget
Survivors of the Florida high school shooting speak out. (Click to view)

Trump has repeatedly railed against so-called chain migration, but now people are wondering if his Slovenian in-laws are living in the United States by the very means he has criticized and fought to end. Viktor and Amalija Knavs, the parents of Melania Trump, are legal permanent residents and live in the US on green cards, the couple's immigration attorney says. But the attorney didn't explain how they got those cards, raising the prospect they were sponsored based on what Donald Trump has called "chain migration." More commonly called family-based migration, it allows a number of ways for US citizens and legal permanent residents to sponsor family members to come to the United States permanently.
Boko Haram struck again, kidnapping about 80 girls during a raid on a school in the northeastern part of Nigeria. But thankfully the Nigerian army later rescued the girls at a border town after the military got a tip. There's still some confusion if all of the school's students are accounted for. The raid and kidnapping sparked memories of 2014 when the militant Islamic group kidnapped nearly 300 girls from a school in Chibok, setting off global outrage. Many of those girls were freed, but about 100 remain in captivity, and no one knows where they are.
China and India

China's strengthening its air defenses, and India's not thrilled about it. A report in Chinese state media says the country is building up its air defense capabilities close to its mountainous western border "to confront any threat from India." India has been importing new fighter jets. The two countries were involved in a months-long border standoff in the Himalayas last year, and the relationship between them has been on a steady decline over the years.
Billy Graham
One of the most famous preachers in American history is no longer with us. Billy Graham died at his home in North Carolina at age 99. He prayed with Presidents from Harry Truman to Barack Obama, preached to people around the globe and converted millions to Christianity. Historian Timothy Stanley said the gap Graham leaves behind is tremendous. Graham's family will hold a private prayer service Saturday, and he'll be buried in Charlotte on March 2 at the Billy Graham Library.
The number of people killed in the rebel-held enclave of Syria's Eastern Ghouta region after three days of bombardment by Syrian government forces.


Innovation Influencers
With Chinese companies investing in Africa, 41% of business leaders in Africa now see China as the world's innovation champion. Find out how business executives see regional influence in innovation: explore GE's newly released 2018 Global Innovation Barometer.

The American medal output has been disappointing in these Games, but the US women's hockey team did its part to make up for it by beating Canada to grab the gold. It's the first time the US team has won the gold in the event since 1998.

Two high-profile US stars had to settle for something less than gold in the alpine combined. Mikaela Shiffrin got the silver, and Lindsey Vonn, in what was likely her final Olympic race, crashed out in the event, which was won by Switzerland's Michelle Gisin.

A pair of Russian curlers gave back the bronze medals they won in the doubles curling event after one of them tested positive for a banned substance.

People are talking about these. Read up. Join in.

Shopping list fail
Bill Gates may be one of the world's richest and smartest people, but he sucks at guessing grocery prices.

Take care, Wendy
Let's send some good vibes to talk-show host Wendy Williams, who is taking some time off from her show to deal with her Graves' disease diagnosis.

That stinks
Japan couldn't deliver three boatloads of cars to New Zealand because the ships were infested with stink bugs.

True solidarity
A pilot lost his daughter in the Florida high school shooting. More than 100 of his colleagues showed up at her funeral.
The Puerto Rican 'exodus'
After Hurricane Maria wracked the island, thousands of Puerto Ricans fled, ending up in all 50 states.

This is sexist, this is ridiculous, this is not feminism.
Jennifer Lawrence, pushing back against those who criticized a revealing Versace dress she wore to a press event in London.
Just dance
How to break the ice with neighbors you've never met before: Step 1: Knock on the their door. Step 2: Ask them to dance. Step 3: Bring out the video camera and start the music. (Click to view)

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