Too early for the 'i' word?

Wednesday, May 17, 2017
Today is Employee Health and Fitness Day. Did you know a six-hour workday could be good for you -- and your employer? Here's what else you need to know today to Get Up to Speed and Out the Door.

By Doug Criss.


1. White House

This. Feels. Different. Of all the controversies that have enveloped the Trump White House these past four months, this one's the most ominous. (CNN's Chris Cillizza calls it an "existential" threat.) Sources say ex-FBI chief James Comey documented in a memo the fact that President Trump asked him to stop investigating former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn. If that's true, lots of folks consider it obstruction of justice, a straight-up impeachable offense. Comey wrote that the request from Trump -- "I hope you can let this go" -- came during a meeting on February 14 in the Oval Office.

The White House denied Trump said such a thing. Democrats ran for the nearest microphones to condemn Trump; Republicans pretty much disappeared. GOP Rep. Jason Chaffetz, chairman of the House oversight committee, said let's see the memo and anything else that's relevant (and Comey reportedly has written lots of memos about his conversations with Trump).

CNN's David Gergen says buckle up, because we're in "impeachment territory," and he should know it when he sees it. Gergen worked at the White House during Richard Nixon's Watergate scandal and Bill Clinton's impeachment.

This latest scandal -- is it too early to call it "memogate?" -- spooked the financial markets, as the dollar fell, but at least it turned everybody's attention away from the Russia saga -- and there's an update there too. Officials tell CNN that Israel was the source of some of the classified info that the President reportedly told the Russians last week in that infamous White House get-together. 

2. Terror bulletin

What Homeland Security calls one of the "most serious" threats to the nation since 9/11 isn't coming from overseas  -- it's coming from right here at home. DHS renewed a bulletin warning of possible attacks from homegrown terrorists. The bulletin includes new information, like how terrorists might use vehicles to kill people in "ramming" attacks. Warnings about foreign terrorist fighters who may try to get into the US to carry out attacks or incite others to do so is also in the bulletin.

3. Bill Cosby

Bill Cosby says he won't testify during his upcoming assault trial. It's the first time we've heard from the disgraced comedian in more than two years. In an interview with CNN's Michael Smerconish on his SiriusXM radio program, Cosby said the "piling on" of sexual assault and misconduct accusations from more than 50 women was "an impressive way" to tilt public opinion against him. He also said racism "could be" a factor in the charges against him. Jury selection in the trial for Cosby -- facing three felony indecent assault counts in a case involving a Temple University employee -- starts next week.

4. Fentanyl

Fentanyl is nothing to mess with. It's the opioid that killed Prince, and it's 50 to 100 times more potent than morphine. In the latest example of how just touching its residue can be dangerous, a police officer in East Liverpool, Ohio, collapsed and was rushed to the hospital after he touched some fentanyl powder. It happened after he and other officers made a drug bust. The officer wiped off some powder left on his uniform with his bare hands, and within minutes, he was sick. Police think he OD'd just on the residue.

5. Teen deaths

More than 3,000 adolescents die every day around the world from causes that are largely preventable. A new report from the World Health Organization says those deaths add up to more than 1.2 million fatalities among those aged 10 to 19. The leading cause was car crashes, followed by lower respiratory infections and self-harm. Where teens live makes a difference, too. Two-thirds of the deaths occur in Southeast Asia and Africa.

Breakfast Browse

People are talking about these. Read up. Join in.
Love is in the air, Part One
It was a tough day at the White House, but not in the driveway. That's where a pair of crazy kids decided to get engaged.
Love is in the air, Part Two
She's a Japanese princess. He played the "Prince of the Sea" in a tourism commercial. And she's tossing aside her royal status to marry him.
Ferrari, anyone?
It's a 150-foot-tall vending machine. For luxury cars. No further witty commentary needed.
Retro reruns
"Roseanne" is coming back to TV, and so is "American Idol," with Katy Perry as a new judge.
Not science fiction
An infertile mouse got pregnant and gave birth thanks to an ovary made by a 3-D printer. Just let that one sink in for a sec.
Workin' 9 to 5
We're pretty sure you never do this.
$45 million
That's how much Picasso's painting "Femme assise, robe bleu" sold for at auction in New York. It was stolen by the Nazis during World War II.
Spicy challenge
Here's 100 people swallowing a spoonful of cinnamon in less than a minute. Oh, the internet never disappoints. (Click to view)

And finally ...

We know you love this newsletter – and we love you. So we're trying something new this morning. We'll drop some trivia on you. Tweet the answer to @cnndoug. If you're the first reader to post the correct response, we'll mention your name in tomorrow's edition -- and maybe send you a little something. 
Question: Hi-ho! Disney's "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" turns 80 this year. Which of the stout guys' names comes last alphabetically? 
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