Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end

Thursday, January 19, 2017
Has it been eight years already? Today we say bye to Barack and we look forward to Trump's tomorrow. Here's what you need to know to Get Up to Speed and Out the Door.

By Doug Criss.

1. Barack Obama

Today's the last full day of the Obama administration, and while that may fill you with either great sadness or great joy, you have to admit this was a historic presidency. Yes, he was the first black president, but his legacy will go far beyond that.
  • He pulled the nation out of a great recession
  • His signature domestic achievement -- Obamacare -- may be in grave danger, but what it's replaced with will still contain many elements of his vision for health care
  • He stood up for the rights of the LGBT community
  • He sounded the alarm on climate change
  • He offered a different perspective in the nation's long-running conversation on race
  • And he gave the order to kill Osama bin Laden
But there was more to the Obama presidency than all of that. We put together 44 ways to judge the 44th commander in chief's years in office. And here are eight ways we've changed culturally in the last eight years.

2. Italy avalanche

Many people are feared dead after an avalanche buried a hotel in central Italy, following a series of earthquakes. As many as 30 people are trapped inside Hotel Rigopiano, which is in an area popular with skiers. When rescuers reached the hotel, only its top floor and roof could be seen through the snow. And the weather's not cooperating either -- blizzards and strong winds are slowing rescue efforts. Central Italy was hit with more than 10 quakes, four of them stronger than magnitude 5.

3. Climate change

It's gettin' hot in here, and we're beginning to wonder if we've reached a boiling point of no return. 2016 was Earth's warmest year on record. Just like 2015. Just like 2014. In fact, 16 of the 17 hottest years on record have all happened since 2000. So what do we do about it? Well, Donald Trump thinks climate change is a "hoax" invented by the Chinese. And Scott Pruitt, Trump's pick to lead the EPA, says he's not going to push for swift action to combat it. But they're out of step with both scientists and, yes, the public. Most Americans think climate change is real - and we're causing it.

4. Gambia

While America's peaceful transfer of power plays out in Washington this week, the exact opposite is happening in Gambia. There, Yahya Jammeh has held sway since a military coup in 1994. But last month, voters finally booted him out. Initially, Jammeh conceded defeat and said he'll step down. But just a week later, he said, 'You know what? I changed my mind.' So, now Gambia has 2 presidents. The real, elected one - Adama Barrow - was due to take power today. But Jammeh isn't budging. So troops from other West African are massed on the border, ready to come in and and push him out. 

5. Primates

Here's one more thing to worry about. You can add primates to the seemingly ever-growing list of animals facing extinction. A new report says 60% of all primates are at risk of dying out. SIXTY PERCENT! Who's to blame for this? Us, of course. We're hunting them, trading them and destroying their habitats. 

Breakfast Browse

People are talking about these. Read up. Join in.
Big and small
If the Big Mac's just not the right size for you, you're in luck. McDonald's is coming out with the smaller Mac Jr. and the larger Grand Mac.
Neopalpa donaldtrumpi
A new species of moth sports a familiar-looking crown of yellowish scales, so of course a biologist names it after our soon-to-be President.
Welcome to the hall
Jeff Bagwell, Tim Raines and Ivan Rodriguez are headed to baseball's Hall of Fame, in a sign that players from the steroid era may be able to get in after all.
Her name is Bond. Jane Bond
The Brits want more female spies, so they're reaching out to smartphone-clutching, social media savvy teen girls to find the next Bond.
These tweets are yuuuge
We put together some tweeting tips for our tweeter-in-chief, but they're pretty good ideas for regular folks as well.
$2.6 million
What a trove of Alexander Hamilton's letters, manuscripts and other documents sold for at auction. Having a hit Broadway musical named after you has its perks.

And finally ...

Swat the scales
Remi the dog does what we all want to do after stepping on the scales and getting bad news: give it an epic beatdown. (Click to view)
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